Frequently Asked Questions

Got Questions? We've Got Answers!
What is

Automatek is like having a personal content material wizard at your fingertips!

It makes use of AI that will help you create extraordinary blog posts, social media updates, and even movies. Say goodbye to creator's block and howdy to splendid content material!

Imagine having a tool that will let you create exceptional content without breaking a sweat. It truly is Automatek! It is like having a private assistant who could write, layout, or even agenda your social media posts. How cool is that?

How can Automatek benefit content creators?

Automatek can generate new plagiarism-free content, improve existing content in various languages, and even generate images through a description.

Can Automatek generate images?

Yes, users can generate images by simply describing the desired image.

What is the Speech to Text feature in Automatek?

It's a feature that allows users to transcribe audio and video files using the OpenAI Whisper model.

Is there any functionality in Automatek for coding?

Yes, with the AI Code feature, users can generate code in any programming language with the assistance of AI. However, carefully check which of our plans allow this.

What is the AI Chat feature in Automatek?

Automatek supports various OpenAI models, including GPT4, GPT3 Turbo, GPT3.

Which languages does Automatek support for content creation?

Automatek can produce and enhance content in multiple languages.

Can I chat with AI in real-time using Automatek?

Yes, the unique AI Chat feature in QuickAI allows for real-time conversations with multiple chatbots and AI.

How can a user delete the images they have created?

In your profile, in the "My Documents" section, all your creations are stored.

What is the difference between Membership plans and Prepaid plans?

Prepaid plans supplement the resources of the currently active Membership plan. If none is active, the default Free is used.

How does Automatek's Affiliate Program work?

Every user has their own personal affiliate URL.  Invite new customers to our site using your affiliate link and when they purchase any membership plan, you will get a commission.

It is a 5% commission for every purchase. You will receive the money once your total reaches £20 minimum. Then we will send you your total made from commissions.

You can find your personal affiliate URL by going to the side menu, scrolling to 'Account', and clicking on 'Affiliate Program'.

On this page, you can find the commission percentage, your affiliate URL, and details of any transactions and purchases made with your link.

What happens after the membership expires?

You will forfeit your remaining unused resources under this membership. You will only be left with the ones purchased under the Prepaid Plan, and also the ones we provide you with the free membership.


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